I have been in South Africa for over one month now (which I can't believe) and each day is just as exciting as the last! On Monday we went to the township called Mitchel's Plain (its outside of Cape Town) and met up a group of people that were being forced out of their houses and had no idea where they were going to go. We brought food to them, talked with them and played with their kids. There were lots of Rastafarian's there and I found it extremely interesting to learn about them and their religion. At home when we think Rastafarian, we think of someone from Jamaica with dreads who smokes a ton of weed, and that is so far from the truth. They showed me in the Bible where it says not to shave your hair (hence the dreads, it is a way to have hair that is hygienic when you can't shave it). We are keeping in contact with them so we can come visit them in their new homes and hang out and help them. On Wednedsay I went into Cape Town with some friends and we took swing classes and a dance studio called Que Pasa. Dancing may not be my thing. I love watching people dance BUT I think I should stick to the watching and not the dancing. I sure do have 2 left feet and they both stepped on my dance partners feet...........lots of times. But then on Thursday I joined UCT's Ballroom Dance club and made even more of a fool on myself. Managed to trip over my partner.awkwarddddd. But I am hoping that with each time I go I will make giant strides in improving. This weekend, our program, CIEE, planed a homestay for us in the township Oceanview. Oceanview is a colored township and I made my family chocolate chip cookies. They don't have chocolate chip cookies in the stores here, so I took a chocolate bar and chopped it up into pieces. yum yum! Friday evening we met our families. Abby and I were placed with Natalie and Marcel. They had the two cutest/precious children I have ever met. Keyanna and Corde. I hope the spelling of the names is correct or close to it. Keyanna was 5 and Corde was 3. What was really special was that Natalie's sister lived next door and was also hosting students and her mother lived up the block and was also hosting students. So on Saturday, all 3 families got together and cooked, eat and drank. I felt like I was back home in Marvin. I found that I became very attached to the family and it was only over a 3 day period. In 3 days I had fallen in love with this family and had to hold back tears when we said our goodbyes. But it was only goodbye for the time being because we are all going to go back in visit some time in March we hope for the Navy festival.
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